Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yoga Poses for Thyroid Health

Aside from being a stress reduction technique, Yoga is an excellent alternative form of healing. There are vast health benefits that we can get from practicing yoga. Yogis found out that there are certain poses that are actually good for the thyroid glands.  The following are some of the Asana yoga poses for thyroid:

1.) Sarvanga Asana - Also known as the Shoulder stand, it stimulates the thyroid gland and para-thyroid glands and is good for the circulation of the blood in the chest, shoulders, upper back and the neck.  This pose will make you lie on your shoulder, pushing your body over the head and then straight up. Helps the blood transport to the throat that stimulates and nourishes the thyroid glands. The shoulder stand is the most effective yoga posture for hypothyroidism.

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2.) Matsyana - Also known as the Fish pose, it normalizes thyroid function, and pituitary gland. This pose able to stretch the neck and strengthen and tone the nervous system. Good also for the kidney, stomach and intestine, and pelvic organs. It should be undertaken directly after the shoulder stand. You need first to lie your back on the floor, rest your body on your elbows and arch the back. Tilt your head so that it touches the floor. The neck is stretch and tone, thereby stimulating the parathyroid glands.

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3.) Halasana - The Plough Pose, stretches the neck and helps boosts digestive functions. In this position, rise to a shoulder stand and bring your feet down, over your head, touching the floor.

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4.) Sun Salutation - It is a sequence of twelve graceful positions linked by a continuous flowing motion accompanied by five deep breaths. Each cycle will tone the muscles and the various organs that stimulates the endocrine glands. The blood will be pushed to the region and will nourish it. It is a perfect work out for the entire body too.

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Apart from its health benefits, Yoga has an overall good effect on whether, Physically, Mentally and Emotionally.  Yoga is indeed a great way to prevent and cure diseases.

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