Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Physical Exercises and Hyperthyroidism

It is as important to overhaul your diet as well as to engage in a fitness / physical activity when you have hyperthyroidism. I have written in a previous post that Hyperthyroidism is caused by negative emotion such as stress and anxiety.  If you are someone with a lot of stress, you need to have stress relief techniques in order to spare yourself from having this thyroid condition or any stress related disease for that matter. Exercise is one natural technique in maintaining low level of stress in your life. However for hyperthyroid, it is generally recommended to avoid any form of active exercises. Why? Strenuous exercise can make your heart beat faster (palpitation), your breathing harder and make you even more "hyperactive". 

Instead, here are some alternative forms of exercises that is more appropriate for hyperthyroids:
Qigong - is a 2000 year old series of bodily movements that gives more emphasis on how to feel and move energy within the body. Not really a highly aerobic exercise but still helps in toning the body.  Also, it strengthen the immune system, reduce stress and  improve balance and posture.

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Tai Chi -  is a fitness program that was developed to promote energy flow within the body. Through slow flowing movements, Tai Chi strengthen and tones muscles, increases balance and coordination, improves flexibility, ruduces stress, boosts energy and enhances well-being.

Photo courtesy by Google images

Yoga - is an ancient indian practice which helps in releasing tension and aiding in deep breathing. Yoga is perfect for hyperthyroids because it normalizes the function of the thyroid, pituitary, pineal, and adrenal glands by stimulating it. It bends and stretches the neck, strengthen and tones the nervous system. Yoga stimulates the thyroid gland to work at peak efficiency. It helps improves the pituitry gland's function as it is stimulated. Some of its benefits are reduce stress, sound sleep, reduced cortisol levels, lower blood pressure, lower heart rate, sense of well being, reduced anxiety and muscle tension, increased strength and flexibility, and slowed aging process.

Photo courtesy by Google images
I was enrolled in a Yoga class for a while. I was surprised to see a big difference in me after doing it. Most of the symptoms were gone. My heart rate becomes normal, no difficulty in breathing, slept well and felt light. If you intend to heal, there are many alternative methods to choose from. Best if you incorporate these different alternative methods to speed up your healing process and eventual cure. You just have to decide what works  for you.

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