Monday, January 10, 2011

An intro to my journey towards healthy living

My journey towards healthy living started when I had a health condition called "hyperthyroidism". I was in my early twenties when I was diagnosed with the said condition. I could not accept it at first because I thought I was too young to have any form of disease. The quality of my life together with my symptoms worsen as days go by. My life is a total mess. I thought I have gone crazy. After a year of taking medications, I realized that I need to do something to cure myself. I don't want to depend long term on pills nor having radiation for treatment is an option. I need to be cured permanently. My quest for healing began. I research non-stop on my condition and found very helpful sites, blogs and literatures on Hyperthyroidism. During my quest, a lot of things were revealed to me. I discover a deeper understanding on my condition. I became open to the world of health and wellness. My eyes were open to a whole new approach of healing my condition. I decided to put up this blog to remind myself of my quests for healing , health and wellness. As you keep on reading you'll find out  everything that I did to become better and healthier person. I'm far from being healthy as I want to be so my quest continues... Come quest with me!